Saturday, October 27, 2012

Social Networking Sites

So you’re new to the Internet and you've been hearing a lot about this Twitter, Facebook, networking nonsense. If you want to communicate with your family and friends using one of these sites is essential to your well-being. However, out the bunch that's out there, which one will work for you? Don't fret, I'm here to lighten the load so to speak and shed some light on the 4 networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Google+) I believe is the most reliable today.
      If you're breathing than you've more than likely heard about Facebook. It's become the world’s answer to global networking in a way that is simple but very efficient.  Facebook takes online communication from the days of sending a regular email or an instant message to personal or corporate promoting of one's life. In my opinion, I feel Facebook stole that idea from MySpace but I'll get on that a little later. Facebook is less about "me" and more about "us" with interactivity being the main draw to the community. For instance, take a look at your Facebook profile when you first login, do you notice that the first thing you see is the news feeds of your friends activity? Keep that picture in mind when I introduce to you another social networking site worthy of the title Facebook's ancestor called MySpace.  
      Unlike most social media sites, MySpace was the first site that had such a public impact on the world. It was seen mainly as the as a hangout spot for the young and hip – no one over 30 need apply. And though MySpace gradually has become more popular with those in their 30s, 40s, and beyond, it is still teen-heavy. MySpace is a place to create a Web site that makes a statement about you, with customizable themes and a music player that can load and play a song automatically when visitors hit your page. By default, your MySpace page is viewable by the public, but you can set the page to be viewable only by your MySpace friends. Over time, MySpace has developed a reputation as a “hook up” site and it has struggled with spam disguised as friend requests and hacked user accounts, but the site has worked to overcome these difficulties with tightened security safeguards and enhanced communication with users.
     Looking at both sites I'm sure you noticed you a lot of similarities and the few differences and in reality Facebook is the son of MySpace. Generally, most users prefer Facebook because you can be nosy and search for people, whether it's your ex or an old time friend. It just works!! However, what if you're looking for something more, something that you can get your voice out to the world anytime of the day at any point in time. Guess what? Twitter is your answer to this problem simply because it does just that. You can use it to get out what you’re currently thinking to the public and those who "follow" you. If someone were to ask me, what do you think Twitter is all about? I would tell them, Twitter is what YOU make it out to be. Think about you can follow people you're interested in, have people follow you and monitor what you're thinking as well you monitor what they're thinking. From that point on you decide what you want to from that point on, you can use this information to promote your business like most companies do. You can use it to create a community of people that all have the same interests as you and you can bounce ideas back and forth. It's also used for learning and engaging with one another, check it what Jeanine Walters had to say about that, "I learn every single day from Twitter. Ironically, some of the learning is how NOT to behave. I absolutely appreciate the community I have found via quick tweets or discovered blogs (like this one!) but I also find doofuses who don't get it every day. I use these "role models" to remind me to continue to see Twitter as a village - not a podium." Whoever said you can't teach old dog new tricks, it still takes a village to raise a child ladies and gentleman.
     To wrap this meeting up I would like to touch on a serious issue that has been disturbing me and a few individuals in my circle. What does Google think it's doing by coming out with Google+? Seriously, I thought them trying to come out with Android cell phones every 3 days were enough for them. Now they have to come and capture the social networking too? First of all, its way too complicated for the average social user. They have so much options and different features for someone who’s trying to simply post information. This is why Facebook and Twitter is hot right now --making hard things simple. Also now, granted, Google's redesign turned it into a weird hybrid of Twitter and Facebook's layout, but it still gets the job done. Second there is a chatting limitation that you cannot freely chat with all the users in your Circles; you can only chat with those who are connected to your Google+ account through your email address. This is one of the big lacking features that Google+ need to pay attention to. Because, chatting has now become an essential feature of social networking sites, so, having such limitations to chatting would cause a block in getting people attracted to it. Overall it's a nice site to look at and Google does have a way of things to look nice but everyone knows looks ain't everything.
     Among all these social networking sites my favorite is twitter, not because I can let you and the world know what I'm thinking but I can also follow what other respectable figures are saying about their life. Whether it's a joke from Kevin Hart or an inspirational quote from T.D Jakes, it works for me. How about you, what's your thoughts?

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